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Clinical Study On 54 Cases injury and Disease of Hanhwa Eagles Baseball players 한의학, 야구선수, 질환, 부상
Comparisons of Perceptions of Success, Grit, Aspirations, and Achievement Goal Orientation between Gifted and Non-gifted High School St
Investigating the Educational Effects of Flipped learning in a College Setting 최근 대학은 교육의 변화 방향을 학습자
The Effects of a Picture Book Based Literature Education Program on Young Children`s Story Comprehension, Story Construction, and Inter
The Factors for Korean Dietary Life Adaptation of Female Immigrants in Multi-cultural Families in Busan 다문화가정 결혼이주여
Effects of Integrated Nursing Practicum by applying Simulation-Problem Based Learning on Critical Thinking Disposition, Nursing Process
Which Comes First, Work or Leisure? : Happiness, Relationships, and Leisure Priorities 본 연구는 일을 여가보다 우선하는
The influence of repeated book reading on young children's story comprehension and picture vocabulary abilities 본 연구는 반복적
Effects of E-book-based Flipped Learning Education on Critical Thinking Disposition, Academic Self-Efficacy, and Major Satisfaction of
The Effects of Inclusive Physical Class Applied Universal Design for Disabilities Attitudes and Class Participation Students with and w
The Effects of Educational Activity in Relation with Nuri Curriculum in Green Growth Education Programme for Young Children on Their Kn
A clinical study of depressive symptoms during pregnancy 목적: 본 연구는 임신 중 발생하는 우울증의 빈도 및 이에
Perception on Child Abuse among Law Enforcement Officials 우리나라에서 법집행담당자인 경찰, 검사, 판사 집단은 아
A Study on the Effects of Yoga and Dance Meditation Program to Improve the Middle-Aged Women's Various Stress 위 논문은 요가 및
The perceptions and preferences for Blended-Flipped learning in the field of Finance English major 본 연구는 15주간 전공 수업
The Influence of Personal Characteristics on Social Network Size in Organization and the Impact Social Network Size and Strength on Job
The Effects of Use of Smartphone and Cognitive Function on Depression, and Loneliness of Life in Elders 목적 본 연구의 목적은
Comparing Satisfaction and Importance of Nursing Care Nursing Work Environment, Nurse’s Intention to Work between Comprehensive Nursi