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A System and Meanings of Images of a Cat in Korean Poetry in Classical Chinese 본고는 고양이 漢詩의 意象을 연구하는 데
The Way of Implementing the Themes and the Aspects of the Works about Cats in Fables 본고는 說에서 고양이를 소재로 한 작
(A) Case of Feline Infectious Peritonitis with Intestinal Manifestation in a Cat 복강 내 종괴 촉진 및 구토, 식욕부진, 발
Effects of a Cat-Assisted Therapy Program on Self-Esteem and Social Skills of Elementary School Students 이 연구는 코로나 19의
Chain of Accountability and Trust in Government - Focusing on Idiopathic Feline Neuromuscular Disease - 2024년 4월, 대한민국에
Hypospadias and Megacolon in a Persian Cat A 9-month-old intact male Persian cat (3.2 kg of body weight) was referred with primary comp
The Meaning of Records on a Cat, Appeared in YuSeo(類書) in the Late Joseon Dynasty 본고는 조선후기 類書에 나타난 고양
A Study on Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason and Eliot’s Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats T. S. 엘리엇의 실천적인
Surgical Correction of Congenital Type III Atresia ani with Rectovaginal Fistula in a Cat 4주령의 0.6 kg 암컷 스콧티쉬 폴드
Prevalence of Feline Panleukopenia Virus in Stray and Household Cats in Seoul, Korea 우리는 한국의 서울에 있는 다른 지역
The Influence of Female Models’ Eye Angle on Impression Formation and Consumer Attitudes: Focused on the Responses of 20s Consumers t
Effects of a Cat-Assisted Therapy Program on Self-Esteem and Social Skills of Elementary School Students 이 연구는 코로나 19의
A Study on the Symbolism of Cats 본 연구에서는 고양이에 대한 생물학적 특징을 살펴보고 우리나라 고전이나
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
Exploring the Uniqueness of Posthuman Social Networks: Making SF of Human-Cat village Revealed in the Movie <Cats' Apartment> 본 논
A Deep Learning System for Emotional Cat Sound Classification and Generation 반려동물, 특히 고양이는 인간과의 상호작
1. 머리말2. 염상섭 문학에서의 소오세키의 영향3. 『나는 고양이다』와 『박래묘』의 구성4. 『박래
Analyzing Priority Management Areas for Domestic Cats (Felis catus) Using Predictions of Distribution Density and Potential Habitat 본
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