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Transcendence in A Hen into the Wild of Hwang Seon-Mi and Doggy Poo of Gwon Jeong-Saeng 권정생의 『강아지똥』과 황선미의
목차 뉴욕주 '강아지공장 금지법' 입법과정과 시사점 / 정상훈 1 '강아지공장 금지법'의 주요내용 1
Effects of Mole Crickets (Gryllotalpa orientalis) Extracts on Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activities 동ㆍ식물의 추출물
“Reading the Works of Jeong-Saeng Kwon with the Gospel of Luke: Doggy Poo and Tolbae’s Journey to the Lunar World.” 본 연구는
“Reading the Works of Jeong-Saeng Kwon with the Gospel of Luke: Doggy Poo and Tolbae’s Journey to the Lunar World.” 본 연구는
Analysis for main character's transition of ego-formation from the illustrated story book "Gang-A-Ji, Dong" 본 연구는 Berne의
A Study on Modification into Animation of the Children’s Story, Doggy Poo 이 논문은 한국 아동문학의 정전(正典)으로
Seasonal Changes in Age Structure and Fecundity of the African Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa africana) Population in Suwon, Korea ****~****
Study of reading ways "Puppy`s dung" as actor`s relationship 본 연구는 우리 시대의 새로운 정전이라고 할 수 있는
A reassessment of Doggy Poo Doggy Poo is the first piece and the masterpiece of Jungseng Gwon, the fairytale writer. The general assess
Teaching about the "Mind" -Problems with Allegoric Reading Methods Regarding the Children`s Story 「Doggy Poo」 Teaching about the
Development of a Fitness Buddy System Utilizing an Interactive Virtual Dog in Augmented Reality
Electrochemical Characteristics of Setaria viridis-Based Carbon Anode Materials Prepared by Thermal Treatment for Lithium-Ion Secondary
Value of Liberal Education in 「Doggy Poo」 According to Theory of the Other 이 논문은 사르트르의 타자론으로 권정생
Value of Liberal Education in 「Doggy Poo」 According to Theory of the Other 이 논문은 사르트르의 타자론으로 권정생
Value of Liberal Education in 「Doggy Poo」 According to Theory of the Other 이 논문은 사르트르의 타자론으로 권정생
A Study on the simulation of dog breeding using Virtual Reality 본 연구는 여러 가상현실(Virtual Reality :VR)기기들을 사
A Study on the simulation of dog breeding using Virtual Reality 본 연구는 여러 가상현실(Virtual Reality :VR)기기들을 사
목차 중국도 아이보다는 강아지 / 도진수 1 고속 성장 중인 펫 시장 1 반려묘, 온라인 시장 급성장 2