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Urban Landscape Image Study by Text Mining and Factor Analysis - Focused on Lotte World Tower - 본 연구는 텍스트 마이닝 기
Design of Tower Damper Gain Scheduling Algorithm for Wind Turbine Tower Load Reduction This paper deals with the NREL (National Renewab
Effect of fatigue resistance improvement due to welding post-treatment on tubular steel tower design The recent trend in the fatigue de
Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer E Soil Moisture Evaluation for Haenam Flux Monitoring Network Site 본 연구에서는 원격탐
The study of Application of Drought Index Using Measured Soil Moisture at KoFlux Tower 현재 우리나라는 지구 온난화로 인
Harvesting Productivity and Cost of Whole-Tree Clear Cutting Using a Tower Yarder in a Larix leptolepis Stand The productivity and cost
Microclimatological Characteristics Observed from the Flux Tower in Gwangneung Forest Watershed 2000년 4월부터 2003년 9월까지
A Study on Characteristic of Residual Stresses in a wind Tower Using the Tandem Circumferential Welding Process This research proposes
Study on the Natural Frequency of Wind Turbine Tower Based on Soil Pile interaction to Evaluate Resonant Avoidance Frequency 최근 21
Soil-structure interaction analysis for the offshore wind tower with bucket foundation 본 연구에서는 버켓기초로 지지된
Fatigue Life Prediction of the Carrier of Slewing Reducer for Tower Crane The purpose of this study is to predict the fatigue life of a
An empirical analysis of Lotte World Tower (LWT)’s cognitive effects on city image and memorable tourism experience(MTE) 랜드마크
Wind power, Vibration control, Turbine, Tower, Takeoff, Structural load, Structural engineering, Flange, Engineering, Damper
An empirical analysis of Lotte World Tower (LWT)’s cognitive effects on city image and memorable tourism experience(MTE) 랜드마크
An empirical analysis of Lotte World Tower (LWT)’s cognitive effects on city image and memorable tourism experience(MTE) 랜드마크
Connectivity between lower floors and city according to the core plan of prime offices - A case study of Amorepacific Group"s headquart
Ingot-Breakdown Design of Tower Flange Material for Offshore Wind Turbine The ingot-breakdown scheme of a tower flange material (low-al
Collision Behavior Comparison of Offshore Wind Tower as Type of Support Structure 본 논문에서는 한국의 서남해상에 건설
The growth and flowering characteristics of lily ‘Woori Tower’ and ‘Siberia’ by salinity 본 연구에서는 새만금 간척
The growth and flowering characteristics of lily ‘Woori Tower’ and ‘Siberia’ by salinity 본 연구에서는 새만금 간척