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The Association between K-IFRS Adoption and Earnings Management : Focusing on External Auditor Size 본 연구에서는 한국채택국
LBO and the breach of fiduciary duty: An analysis to i) the economic interests and distributional features in LBO and ii) the duty to t
An Abductive Approach on the Perception of Social Welfare Foundations Management Based on Balanced Scorecard 사회복지법인의 효
Corporate Culture, Failure of Risk Management and Corporate Criminal Liability 법인의 형사책임을 검토함에 있어서 커먼
Legal Nature of the Provisions to Punish Corporations: A Defense for the Theory of "Liability with Fault" A number of Korean special cr
Constitutional Problem on Private School Act of Amendment 목차 사립학교법 개정의 헌법적 제문제:학교법인 및 이사
A Study of The Tax System of a Non Profit Organizations 〈요약〉=33,33,1 I. 서론=34,34,2 II. 비영리법인 과세제도의 일
Director’s Duty of Care in Nonprofit Corporations 본고는 비영리법인에 있어서 이사의 선관주의의무를 다루었다
the value relevance of deferred tax assets 본 연구는 이연법인세차가 그 실현가능성의 정도에 따라서 주식시장
목차 동일 감사인의 감사와 비감사보수에 대한 현황분석 : 주권상장법인과 협회등록법인을 중심으
Reform of Non-for-profit Organization in Japan and its implication in Korea: with respect to accounting and tax issue 법무부의 민
Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit juristischer Personen- in Bezug auf den “Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Einführung der strafrechtlich
Der Verband und die juristische Person: zur rationalen Koordination der Kluft zwischen der funktionalen Verwandschaft und der rechtlich
Rechtspolitische Verbesserungspläne über die nichtwirtschaftliche bzw. gemeninützige juristischen Personen in Korea 우리사회에
How did social welfare become ‘business’?: ‘Hyeongje-welfare Institution’ and trajectory of social welfare foundation in Korea
I. 머리말=99,105,3 II. 영리ㆍ비영리의 구별론에 관한 법비교=101,107,1 1. 일본=102,108,3 2. 독일=104,110,8 3.
Criminal Liability of AI Robots and Responsibility principle - from the Point of Professor K. Ryu`s acting subject theory - 인공지
Bestrafung von juristischen Personen und theoretische Grundlage von sog. die ‘Vorschrift fuer zweiseitige Bestrafung’ - eingestellt
The Necessity and Possibility of Corporate Criminal Liability 아직도 진행 중인 이른바 ‘세월호 사건’의 일부에 대